has the best candidates...they actually read the job description before applying. - Alicia

Job Application

Application Profile

Required fields are marked *

Please fill out your application profile for this job. No resume required

Contact Info

Add a phone number to be contacted by phone or text


List or briefly describe three skills at which you excel



Additional Message (recommended)

Add a brief message (255 characters or less) to accompany your profile. Example: a brief bio or additional info you would like the employer to know about you.

Answer Screening Questions

The employer has asked you to answer the following questions to be considered for this job.

Tell me about your previous work experience?

How many hours per week do you want to be working, and on which days?

Why do you prefer a part time job to a full time job given that so many companies are hiring full time?

Are you handy with tools and repairs?

Are you a good cook and would you like to make this part of your work with us?

Add a Cover Letter (optional)   Add a Resume (recommended)

Cover Letter (optional)

Resume (recommended)

Resume - Copy and Paste

A plain text version will be sent to the employer for immediate review.
The formatted version will be viewable by the employer on our site.

Helpful Formatting Tips: If copy and pasting from Word, use CTRL+V(CMD+V on Mac) on your keyboard.
Reduce space between lines by holding Shift when hitting Enter. If text editor buttons are missing, ensure Javascript is turned on in your browser.

How to Copy and Paste your resume (link will open in new tab)

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